even though there seems to be no help for me. I am not signing my name as it would make my life an even worse hell than it is already.

Editor's Note: Since this wife did not sign her name I am unable to reply to her or her FP husband. I can only hope that he recognizes him- self in her description, that he becomes aware of her anguish, that he resolves to do something about it and that he does not make life "hell' for her for having written it.

It is a good thing that wives speak out every now and again in these pages and not necessarily in an accepting way. It will perhaps serve to arouse some of you to “count your blessing” if you have an understand- ing wife or to reconsider some of the attitudes that your wife has if she is not understanding (see following Editorial).

I am deeply sorry for this family since they have a lot going for them but it is all coming to nothing because they are not communicating. If I could reach either one of them I would suggest sitting down and telling each other “how it is" without rancor or accusation. Communication is the first step in solving an interhuman problem.

Why "FP" and not “TV”?

Since we are always getting new readers who haven't read the back is- sues it seems in order to explain to them why they never seen the expres- sion “TV” in this magazine even though the magazine itself is called TRANSVESTIA. That name is too well established to be changed. But a copule of years ago it became evident from the kinds of ads and articles appearing in other publications that the word "transvestite" had lost its specificity. It used to be that this word referred only to persons whose only special behaviour pattern was that they cross-dressed. However, today it is used to cover homosexual, and heterosexual, masochistic, transexual, fetishistic and many other types of persons where cross- dressing is involved. Since, as indicated in our Purpose statement on the inside front cover, this magazine is dedicated exclusively to hetero- sexual cross-dressers it came to the point where one couldn't tell whether the use of the abbreviation "TV" properly referred to that kind of per- son or not. Thus I invented the terms Femmiphilia for the condition and Femmiphile for the individual and both mean "lover of the femin- ine” which properly describes the kind of persons for whom this mag- azine is printed. If you wish to distinguish yourself from all other types of cross-dressing individuals you should become accustomed to using “FP" in place of “TV” and “FPia" in place of “TVism.”